PWA Athletes

Baptiste Gallice

Baptiste  Gallice
Age: 30
Height: 0
Debut: 2014
Residence: France
Nationality: French
Boards: Fanatic
Sails: Duotone


1st PWA event entered La Torche, Slalom 2014

Started windsurfing at the age of 13at the Carnac's Yacht Club , i did 3 years on BIC293OD, and then i went to the Slalom & formulawindsurfing.

I train with Antoine Questel, Alexandre Cousin and Delphine Cousin in Carnac and sometimes in Brest.

In 2013 I finished 1st of my region in U20 category, 5th at the French Youth Championships and 6th at the World Youth Championships.

In 2014, i finished 19th at the DefiWind.


Fanatic, Duotone, SwellAddiction
Baptiste  Gallice
Baptiste  Gallice
Baptiste  Gallice