PWA Athletes

Jolien Berg

Jolien  Berg
Age: 38
Height: 0
Debut: 2013
Residence: Holland
Nationality: Dutch


1st PWA event entered Tenerife Wave 2013

Windsurfing History: Starting university 7 years ago, meant moving to another city; living close to the sea. The student windsurfsociety 'Plankenkoorts' helped me on my way to plane and waterstart. With an enthusiastic group of fellow students we planned trips between exams and lectures. After finishing my bachelor in 2009 I took half a year to travel through Australia and got into the wavesailing.

Windsurfing Ambitions: Enjoy and Improve. After graduating in January 2013 I decided to windsurf as much as possible. Entering the PWA helped me to set a goal and focus during the sailing. After recovering from several knee surgeries I am more keen then ever to learn and be on the water as much as possible. I hope to find a way in which I can combine windsurfing with being an architect/urban planner.


Gear Freak, Proof
Jolien  Berg
Jolien  Berg