PWA Athletes

Mariano Estivill

Mariano  Estivill
Age: 47
Height: 178
Debut: 2000
Residence: United States
Nationality: Argentinian


Windsurfing History :
Argentinian Wave and Freestyle Champion of 98, 99 and 2000
1999 AWCA (Mar del Plata, Arg.) First.
Bariloche 99 (Bariloche,Arg) First
2000 Bariloche 2000 (Bariloche, Arg.) First
Ikuwa 2000 (San Juan, Arg.) First
2001 Barioche Cassic (Bariloche, Arg.) First
PWA Fuerteventura Trials First
PWA Fuerteventura 38th.
2002 Bariloche Classic (Bariloche, Arg.) First

Windsurfing Ambitions
I Came to live to Maui 3 years ago only to becoming a prefessional windsurfer.
My only ocupation is windsurfing, so I spend 100% of my time in trying to improve, and get professinal.
I want to compete in the PWA for several years from now, and make a living of windsurfing.
I wish to rank higher every year in the tour and finally be a Word Champion!


MFC Sunglasses, Dakine, MFC, RRD, Arrows
Mariano  Estivill
Mariano  Estivill
Mariano  Estivill