PWA Athletes

Jakub Kawałkowski

Jakub  Kawałkowski
Age: 34
Height: 0
Debut: 2014
Residence: Poland
Nationality: Polish
Boards: Starboard
Sails: Severne Windsurfing


Organizer wildcard - Freesstyle: 2014 Warsaw PWA Indoor Windsurfing World Cup

Polish freestyle champion 2014 & 2015
9th in PWA Indoor Poland 2014
* Easy Freestyle chellange 2008 to 1st place in the general classification
- 1st place in the best trick competition
* Fiat Freestyle Jam 2008 - 5th place general classification;
* Battle for Egipth - El Tur 2008 - 1st place in the general classification
1st place in Best Trick
* Freestyle on Rocks - 2007 - 5th place in the general classification
* R20 Energy Freestyle Cup 2007 - 3rd place in the juniors
* King of Hell, 2006 - 9th place in the overall classification
2nd place in the juniors


Starboard, Severne Windsurfing, Makani Fins
Jakub  Kawałkowski
Jakub  Kawałkowski
Jakub  Kawałkowski