PWA Athletes

Alizée De Souza

Alizée  De Souza
Age: 30
Height: 0
Debut: 2014
Residence: France
Nationality: French
Sails: KA Sail


1st PWA event entered 2014 LA TORCHE PWA GRAND SLAM, Slalom

2014: 3rd provisional French slalom championship AFF (after 3 steps abefore the final)
2013: 4th French slalom championship AFF, 4th worlds IFCA youth U20 Alacati. Ranking on French High level youth list by the Sports french minister.
2012: 4th French slalom championship AFF, 4th worlds IFCA youth U20 Torbole, 1st french Long distance ranking
2011: 5th French slalom championship AFF, 6th Europeans IFCA youth U20 Almanare Hyeres, 1st worlds formula youth U20 Denmark, 1st youth girl Defiwind gruissan.

I began windsurfing at 7 years old by Bic Techno293 (regional sport/studies training center in La Rochelle french west coast where I live) before to involve in formula and slalom.
My ambition: to ride at my best level to play with the other girls.


KA Sail
Alizée  De Souza
Alizée  De Souza
Alizée  De Souza